Friday, May 18, 2012

blog 15

In the passage” Play time is over” David Elkind is talking about recess of being no longer a child’s play. Is an issue that has been replaced with many school activities and computer games, which makes kids very unsociolized from real culture of childhood.

Childhood games are very important because. It develops child’s mind. It helps to understand the good and the danger of real world. It helps to build a good physically body.

Developing a child’s mind in a younger age is a very important task to be achieved from parents and school. But sometimes for a child in order to have a brighter mind has to pass thru a social life called the childhood games. These are activities that the child develop his mind out of the house and school program. By playing childhood games the kids would feel the pain of falling down, the danger passing thru them and the fun of winning the game.
Back in the days I remember myself playing with other kids any type of games that comes to our mind. I remember not having to many toys to play at home but my only game and fun was outside in the street. Many times had fall down and scratch my legs and arms all over. However the pain of going thru from falling didn’t care much because I kept my body moving and my mind away from pain. I used to play until late at night making my mother coming out of the house to look for me, because I didn’t wanted to leave the game, and the fun was so incredible.

Childhood activities are very important for a kid life because it would put them in many situations of knowing the good things to do from the bad things to know. By distinguishing the good from bad it will help them understand the real world that surrounds them. Many times I see kids in here that are not very socialized with outside world. They are very scared when they walk out there. This comes because parents lock them home and school occupies them with many different activities. What I see here is a life being controlled without any freedom of doing what you love to do.

On the other hand childhood activities are very important also to build a child’s physical body, because it helps them burn the energy that body needs it out and keeps them moving all the time.

Participating children in the culture of childhood means to socialize them outside four walls of the school and TV shows. Children that had pass thru a childhood culture have more potential of becoming more smarter and better physically than kids controlled from coaches or any other activities that parents are paying. Lets have our kids enjoying their childhood social process, of giving them a little freedom of outside world.

Monday, May 14, 2012

blog 14

Bottled water tastes better than tap water is a myth that distinguishes the difference between bottle a water that we buy in the store and the tap water that we uses just for washing purposes. The idea of buying water from stores is that we think that bottle of water is cleaner than tap one, but in reality we don’t know if this myth is true or not.

Many factories have found the water business as a very convenience way to make millions. It’s a business that continuously has found the way to push us to keep buying water from them. They’re advertisements are nailing a bad message to us about tap water because they want to keep us continuing buying they’re water which originally comes from the same place as tap water. Many people don’t realize this because in their mind is flowing the same idea that tap water is U.S is just used for washing purposes and nothing else.

As for me being part of this environment I am using bottled water since I’ve put foot in this country, because many people had told me that water in U.S is not good to be drink, so the only solution was just buying water which I have found very inconvenienced. Back in the days in my county I never had to buy water so for me living the American life is that any step that I have to put I have to pay for unnecessary things.  Probably one day besides water we’re going to start paying also for clean air.

I think the only solution of stopping buying bottled water is to have Government identifying and testing our tap water. But again this solution would never be done because, the Government collects more taxes and profit from this factories rather than have tap water sterilized and cleaned for us.     

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

blog 13

From the passage below” Mom and dad buy the broccoli” New York times is illustrating a problematic issue of food industries, advertising junk food, and the diseased created among American children by consuming most of these products . Many of these unhealthy products, has created a national scandal, which had put government to get a closer look and stop these issues.

Food and beverage manufactures are just junk because.  They tend to sell unhealthy products to make more money. They don’t care about health issues, by consuming their products. They’re not 100% organic.

Most of these companies out there are making a huge profit by selling junk and unhealthy food. The competition between them is like a war that has to end with a winner. Many of their products are not 100% checked from the health department, because it will make them lose lots of money in case there is an issue to destroy them. So what they do is most of the time they put fake labels to their products so the consumer will buy it. By doing this their unchecked products will be sold immediately, without thinking the consequences of health humanity. I’ve also been a victim of these scams. I remember one time going home from school; I stopped by a grocery store to buy ice cream which was sealed on plastic. Somehow I brought that ice cream home and finished eating there. Couples of hours later I start having a stomach ache, high fever, which made my mother worry how and why I’m having this symptoms. She asked me if I had eaten anything outside, so I told her I that I did get a bite of ice cream, and threw the plastic wrap inside the garbage. My mother found that ice cream wrapper and saw that the store keeper had covered the expiration date with a price sticker. I end up going hospital and realizing what I did to myself from buying something that was bad from long time ago. There is so much junk out there, destroying our health, and millions that these food companies are making by selling them.

Many of these beverage manufactures don’t see the health issue created from they’re products as a problematic matter. For them is just machinery that makes tons of these products and throws them out there in our houses with out thinking what the consequences of the junk food will bring on. Most of they’re production line are no made from a 100% organic ingredients, because it will cost them more money to made them. The only solution is to fake everything and make it look like original and very healthy.

I think that no matter how Government will be involved, no matter how careful we are junk food will always be out there. Is a life routine that will pass by us and our kids. We as humans have to see these products in a closer look and check what is right to eat and what is wrong. Hopefully, one day everyone will realize this issue of staying away junk food.

blog 12

According to the Meatrix website family farms are decreasing every year. They’re been replaced from giant corporations and many food industries. This new technology of preparing food rather than have it from a local farmer will benefit these industries of making millions from a large scale of production. It’s an unfair business that is replacing healthy and nutritious food from junks that we are paying more than what we suppose to.

Family farms are important. They produce fresh, nutritious and high quality food. They protect natural recourses.

Family farms not only in U.S but all around the world from studies and report that are made has come to a solution that they product is 100% healthy and nutritious for human being. The products that are coming from a family farm like meat, fruits, vegetable, oil and many other products that a farmer grows it in his land has more chances of reducing many health issues of man kind.

Family farms besides they’re healthy products and 100% nature growths are called also as man kind of environment protection. Fields and green are the number one causes of having a clean air and water. Many family farmers are using they’re own techniques to protect many natural resources and human health.

As my conclusion, family farms are very important. I come from a farm family that fresh and healthy is our primary goal. We need to extend farming because it would help decreasing junk food and pollute environment.        

blog 11