Monday, May 14, 2012

blog 14

Bottled water tastes better than tap water is a myth that distinguishes the difference between bottle a water that we buy in the store and the tap water that we uses just for washing purposes. The idea of buying water from stores is that we think that bottle of water is cleaner than tap one, but in reality we don’t know if this myth is true or not.

Many factories have found the water business as a very convenience way to make millions. It’s a business that continuously has found the way to push us to keep buying water from them. They’re advertisements are nailing a bad message to us about tap water because they want to keep us continuing buying they’re water which originally comes from the same place as tap water. Many people don’t realize this because in their mind is flowing the same idea that tap water is U.S is just used for washing purposes and nothing else.

As for me being part of this environment I am using bottled water since I’ve put foot in this country, because many people had told me that water in U.S is not good to be drink, so the only solution was just buying water which I have found very inconvenienced. Back in the days in my county I never had to buy water so for me living the American life is that any step that I have to put I have to pay for unnecessary things.  Probably one day besides water we’re going to start paying also for clean air.

I think the only solution of stopping buying bottled water is to have Government identifying and testing our tap water. But again this solution would never be done because, the Government collects more taxes and profit from this factories rather than have tap water sterilized and cleaned for us.     

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