Wednesday, March 21, 2012

blog 5

In the article” Are Illegal Immigrants Good for U.S Economy” author Ewing is concerning about undocumented immigrants being able to earn legal status because they would raise the state revenue. Also they would support our economy by creating new jobs, which would decrease the high volume of unemployment and help U.S economy getting out of the crises and debts by paying taxes. U.S government should review and change a bit some of immigrations laws because many of these immigrants want to move up to they’re careers and by doing this many new ideas and opportunities has come out.
I agree with Ewing of legalizing many immigrants because in my job I have many agents that are coming from far apart countries to work for one year or two and than go back home because of visa status but the thing is that many of them have a lot of potential and a lot of knowledge for work. Our company is very concern of not let in go this particular agents but when it comes to regulations and U.S Immigrations laws, than no choice. In emergency situations, sickness, illness they have to pay the doctor from they own pocket because of they’re status government want aloud them to have insurance like any other U.S citizen. They breathe and eat like we all do but again is all above that has to be change.
Being as the most powerful government in the world U.S should look and make changes in laws of legalizing and give opportunities to many and many immigrants, that are coming in this land with a lot willing and ideas because it would help to open many doors for jobs and opportunities of new generations coming.       

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